
You’ve stumbled on my blog where I talk body confidence, self acceptance, personal style, travel and everything else in between!

I definitely, don’t think my words are any more important than the next, but I hope you find something here that will inspire you.

Exhale Doubt

Exhale Doubt


Stop comparing yourself to other people.

Everyone has insecurities. EVERYONE. Even the person you think “has it all” is dealing with their own self-doubt. I’ve had my share of hang ups about myself physically that have sometimes gotten in the way of me living my life.  


Accept and love the parts of you that make you unique—that make you different.

One of my favorite things to do when I’m feeling down about a certain physical “flaw” on my body is stare at whatever thing I’ve deemed an insecurity in the mirror, touch it and say “You’re beautiful.” “You are STILL beautiful and this does not DEFINE you.” It sounds weird but I challenge you try it.


Stand tall even when your mind is flooded with the thoughts that you’re not good enough.

Who cares what others think or what society has deemed to be acceptable. If you want to wear a crop top, wear it! If I had let my doubts and opinions of others control me I would have never made it to where I am now—climbing the ladder in my career and rocking a bikini.


Do it for you, and no one else. Do it for yourself.

I’ve noticed that getting up and moving my body, whether that’s dancing around my house or lifting weights at the gym, helps me feel good about my body—EVEN when there is no physical changes at all. My mood and mind just feel good, and that helps with my overall confidence.

Choosing A Place to Stay in London

Choosing A Place to Stay in London

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